Hi, I’m Candi!


From Disney to Dublin, I want to help you conquer your own castles.

As a mom of 4 kids, I believe travel is one of life’s great educators, God’s window to all that is possible. I love to use travel to inspire my kids (and myself) to learn. In between shuffling kids to sports’ practices and homeschooling 2 of our children, I love to get away on family trips, the occasional couple’s retreat, and I have even sneaked in a few girls’ getaways.

But, don’t be fooled.

With 2 boys and 2 girls and 10 years between our oldest and youngest child, traveling can also be challenging. And although I’m inspired by articles and posts from travel experts, I often find myself wondering, "Is this really a trip I can take 4 kids on and still keep my sanity?" Or, if it's a trip sans kiddos, "Is this really a trip worth the mountain-moving that needs to take place (and the snuggle-missing that inevitably does take place) so I can go away?"

Traveling with my brood (or without) requires a great PLAN. I spend lots of nights cuddled up with my kids, IPad in lap as they drift off to sleep, researching our family’s next great adventure.

I’ve found some travel gems, made lots of memories, and had my share of travel flops. I’ve never believed knowledge is to be owned, but rather to be shared. I’m happy you’re here so I can share a little of what I’ve learned.

Life is now - go, see, do, LEARN!